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Available courses

Objectives of the training:  To provide guidance on the accounting of the revenue, expenses, assets, and liabilities that arise for arrangements undertaken in terms of the national housing programme.  Scope  The Guideline applies to level one and level two accredited municipalities that undertake arrangements in terms of the national housing programme and in accordance with the National Housing Code (Code). The guide can also apply to non-accredited municipalities if the functions assigned to them are similar to that of level one and level two accredited municipalities.

2 Lessons
14 Enrolled

Objectives of the training:  To provide guidance on the accounting of the revenue, expenses, assets, and liabilities that arise for arrangements undertaken in terms of the national housing programme.  Scope  The Guideline applies to level one and level two accredited municipalities that undertake arrangements in terms of the national housing programme and in accordance with the National Housing Code (Code). The guide can also apply to non-accredited municipalities if the functions assigned to them are similar to that of level one and level two accredited municipalities.

2 Lessons
20 Enrolled
Technical skills

The overall objective of this training is: to provide you with a practical understanding of the AGSA methodology on auditing cashflow statements create awareness on the accounting frameworks that are applicable for cash flow statements provide you with recommendations to overcome the quality high risk findings relating to cash flow statements. This training is compulsory for the following levels: Young professionals Audit Seniors Audit assistant managersAudit managers Senior managers

2 Lessons
661 Enrolled

This course is designed for all employees who have not yet been exposed to the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) and wish to gain a deeper understanding of local government operations. The course will cover the roles and responsibilities of municipalities, governance structures, and other key aspects of local government.

12 Lessons
258 Enrolled

Overall Recording Objective: The overall objective of this recording is to provide you with the necessary knowledge that will assist you in appropriately exercising professional scepticism during your audits.

2 Lessons
543 Enrolled

This training will take you through the updated AGSA ISQM risk management process taking into account the ISQM requirements. The trainings are compulsory and should be completed by the following people:trainings is compulsory and should be completed by the following people: The following Regularity Auditors (This is inclusive of ISA, IBU and Performance Audit) Managers Senior Managers Deputy Business Unit Leaders Business Unit Leaders. Business Unit Managers Audit support staff i.e. TAS, R&M, MI and Quality Management Specialists Senior Managers Deputy Business Unit Leaders Business Unit Leaders Business Unit Managers Support Business Unit staff: All Senior Managers All Specialists All Senior Specialists Business Unit Managers Senior Administrators ·        The training is optional for the following levels: Young Professionals Audit Seniors / Audit Clerks Assistant ManagersUpon completion of the training, you are encouraged to review and familiarize yourself with the risk register available on the ISQM microsite. This will help you solidify your knowledge and understand the specific risks related to your business unit. To access the risk register, please refer to the following link

2 Lessons
175 Enrolled

It is to provide guidance on how the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board® (IPSASB®) works to improve public sector financial reporting worldwide through the development of IPSAS®, international accrual-based accounting standards, for use by governments and other public sector entities around the world.

3 Lessons
28 Enrolled

This MI training journey has been developed to empower all staff to have a greater understanding of material irregularities, considering your level of involvement and past experience and training. It is targeted at all staff, at all levels across the organisation, as well as our CWC and PIR stakeholders. This includes: Basic principles and requirements on MIs for all non-audit staff Recap of key principles for audit staff previously trained or involved to highlight changes and updates to the methodology Detailed training to all new staff or staff with no previous involvement or training Detailed training to all audit staff on new irregularity and impact elements developed since 2022.

7 Lessons
786 Enrolled

This  training includes the following: A recap on the AGSA’s monitoring activities The difference between deviations, findings and deficiencies The remediation journey map The four deficiencies identified in the AGSAs system of quality management The process followed to monitor the implementation of remedial actions. The training is applicable to the following audiences: All Regularity Auditors i.e. from TA until BUL. This is inclusive of ISA, IBU and Performance Audit. All support staff Support Staff as follows: All Managers All Senior Managers All Specialists All Senior Specialists Business Unit Managers (Both Regularity Audit; Audit Support & Support) All Senior Administrators Executive Assistants Secretaries

4 Lessons
462 Enrolled
Technical skills

ITSM provides the AGSA with a means to integrate their business operations with their IT services. During this training session, we will delve into the essence of ITSM, explore its significance and advantages and navigate through the diverse ITSM frameworks. "Customer service means making it easy and fast for your customers to get the help they need- when and how they need it."                                                                                               Steve Benson – Pulitzer prize-winning editorial cartoonist

9 Lessons
9 Enrolled

Objectives of the case study videos: •           Understand the importance of the business process (system description) and how it fits into the auditing process. •           Transfer relevant information from the business process to the risk assessment and response, deficiencies in internal control, compliance and risk register working papers. •           Understand the importance of the risk assessment and response working paper and how it fits into the auditing process.

2 Lessons
319 Enrolled
Technical skills
6 Lessons
37 Enrolled

The FRDB was developed as an archive where all the fraud risks identified through the IBU’s different service offerings are consolidated for ease of reference.

2 Lessons
40 Enrolled

The purpose of this training is to embed a practical understanding of how to test the usefulness criteria and provide insightful messages on the material misstatements identified on those.  The training covers the following: The testing of usefulness assertions in the CMRPD WP as well as the reporting thereon, but with specific focus on the following assertions only: Measurability Relevance, and Presentation & disclosure 2. The testing of the completeness of relevant indicators (CORI wp), and 3. Reporting material findings relating to the completeness of relevant indicators   This training is made available to all auditors (PFMA and MFMA). You are encouraged to complete this self-paced learning, timeously, so that the learnings can be implemented  throughout the audit cycle.

6 Lessons
616 Enrolled

The purpose of this training is to share the updates that were made to the ITEC Non‑reliance auditees working paper for the 2022-23 MFMA Audit cycle.

2 Lessons
177 Enrolled
2 Lessons
16 Enrolled

RACM - Not using work of IA Training

2 Lessons
11 Enrolled
Technical skills

Add description

6 Lessons
1 Enrolled
Technical skills

This is a communication of the high-risk findings identified from the monitoring reviews, which includes guidance and practical tips for each finding identified.

2 Lessons
550 Enrolled
Technical skills

This course page contains the links to schedule training for the month of July 2023.

3 Lessons
747 Enrolled

The objective of this training is to provide you with the relevant information to ensure that you sufficiently and appropriately apply the International Standards of Auditing (ISA) 230 requirements.

9 Lessons
930 Enrolled

·     Understand the importance of the business process (system description) and how it fits into the auditing process. ·     Understand the flow of the processes in the business process standard working paper. ·     Identify and/or take note of applicable legislative requirements and accounting systems used for the business process. ·     Document the business process as well as the walkthroughs including indicating any non-compliance with legislation identified and hyperlinking to non-compliance working paper or exception raised. ·     Identify the inherent risk factors, relevant assertion(s) and annual financial statement (AFS) item for the business process. ·     Categorise inherent risk factors in terms of their appropriate inherent risk category in the risk assessment & response WP. ·     Identify key controls for the applicable relevant AFS item assertions and determine where controls are automated if they will be tested using ISA BU. ·     Transfer relevant information from the business process to the risk assessment and response, deficiencies in internal control, compliance and risk register working papers. ·     Understand the importance of the risk assessment and response working paper and how it fits into the auditing process. ·     Understand the different sources where inherent risk factors can originate and flow into the risk assessment and response working paper. ·     Perform a risk assessment per risk (what can go wrong) for the different relevant assertions. ·     Assess whether the identified controls that address risks of material misstatement at assertion level (individually or in combination with other controls) have been designed effectively to address the risk. ·     Assess whether the effectively designed controls are implemented. ·     Conclude on the controls that have been assessed and determine the audit approach to be followed in line with the audit methodology. ·     Determine instances where it is appropriate to test controls in order to place reliance on these and reduce the level of assurance required from substantive procedures. ·     Determine the substantive testing that must be performed in line with the audit methodology to obtain the required level of assurance. ·     Complete the detailed audit plan (nature, timing and extent). ·     Revise the risk assessment and detailed audit plan where applicable. ·     Document the inherent risk factors identified during the audit. ·     Identify the risks of material misstatement / non-compliance applicable to different types of audits. ·     Identify the risks that have an overall impact, determine its significance (if due to fraud) and the responses at an overall level to these pervasive risks. ·     Identify the financial statement items and/or performance indicators affected by the risk of material misstatement for further assessment and response in the Risk assessment and response WP. ·     Identify the compliance themes impacted by the identified risks for response in the applicable compliance WP.

2 Lessons
610 Enrolled

Objective  The objective of the training is to explain to auditors the changes made to the clean audit review working paper and to provide auditors with guidance on how to approach clean audit reviews to obtain the best value from these reviews.  Background  There was a need to strengthen some of the review procedures around planning and reporting, clarify the objective of the clean audit review and also make general updates due to audit methodology changes and organisational changes.

2 Lessons
292 Enrolled
Technical skills

The purpose of the MCS Training is to provide an overview of the updates to the 2022/23 Modified Cash Standard (MCS) and advise auditors on certain matters that should be considered during the audit of the annual financial statements (AFS) of departments for the financial year ending 31 March 2023.

2 Lessons
743 Enrolled

This platform contains recordings for State-Owned Entities and Centre of Excellence training sessions that have taken place between Feb and May 2023.

22 Lessons
1 Enrolled

The objective of this training is to provide guidance on the audit impact of the PFMA Compliance and Reporting Framework for the 2022-23 PFMA audit cycle BACKGROUND •        National Treasury issued Instruction No. 4 of 2022/2023: PFMA Compliance and Reporting Framework (Instruction) on 23 December 2022 effective from 3 January 2023 •        The objective of the Instruction is to prescribe the principles as well as compliance and reporting requirements for PFMA institutions with regard to unauthorised, irregular and fruitless and wasteful expenditure (UIF&WE) •        The Instruction repeals and / or replaces: •        National Treasury Instruction No. 02 of 2019/2020: Irregular Expenditure Framework •        Circular on Implementation of Irregular Expenditure issued in 2021 •        National Treasury Instruction No. 03 of 2019/2020: Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure Framework •        National Treasury Guideline on Unauthorised Expenditure issued in 2014The objective of this training is to provide guidance on the audit impact of the PFMA Compliance and Reporting Framework for the 2022-23 PFMA audit cycle BACKGROUND •        National Treasury issued Instruction No. 4 of 2022/2023: PFMA Compliance and Reporting Framework (Instruction) on 23 December 2022 effective from 3 January 2023 •        The objective of the Instruction is to prescribe the principles as well as compliance and reporting requirements for PFMA institutions with regard to unauthorised, irregular and fruitless and wasteful expenditure (UIF&WE) •        The Instruction repeals and / or replaces: •        National Treasury Instruction No. 02 of 2019/2020: Irregular Expenditure Framework •        Circular on Implementation of Irregular Expenditure issued in 2021 •        National Treasury Instruction No. 03 of 2019/2020: Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure Framework •        National Treasury Guideline on Unauthorised Expenditure issued in 2014   The training comprises the following modules:      Module number Title of the module Training duration in minutes 1 Introduction ±6 2 Audit of Compliance - Expenditure management ±8 3 Consequence management and condonation of irregular expenditure ±6 4 Condonation of irregular expenditure ±9 5 Financial Accounting implications ±13 6 Financial audit (including audit of other information) ±11 7 Inter-institutional arrangements ±4 Total training duration ±57  

8 Lessons
952 Enrolled

The objective of the training is to create an understanding of the changes to the AGSA audit methodology as a results of ISA 315 (R) The objective of the training is to indicate the changes and new requirements that are intended to clarify and assist the participant in identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement in a more consistent and robust manner. This training will also highlight how the changes will affect the AGSA audit methodology and the changes to the working papers.  

14 Lessons
2k Enrolled
Technical skills

In this course, you will be able to watch a recording of the interpretation of contracts session. 

2 Lessons
140 Enrolled
Technical skills

This course is an overview of Fraud Awareness. You will learn about the key fraud risk factors that you will find during the audit cycle.

2 Lessons
1k Enrolled

The overall objective of this training is to introduce you to the revised ISA 315 standard, as well as to provide you with an overview of the key changes made to the standard.

6 Lessons
333 Enrolled
Technical skills

This platform is created for you to be able to access the relevant learning resources for Case Management System (CMS).The CMS is a response to the Public Audit Amendment Act (PAA) which introduced the concept of the Material Irregularity (MI) mechanism to ensure that those activities putting the public purse at risk of financial loss, were identified and corrective action pursued. The digitised platform will assist in accurate and efficient reporting on MIs internally, while further empowering the AGSA to identify and analyse those MIs that may have transversal patterns.

6 Lessons
66 Enrolled

The purpose of this technical update is to provide audit teams with guidance on when to allow adjustments to the annual financial statements and when can they also be disallowed. This technical update further provides communication that should be distributed to Accounting Officers and Accounting Authorities of all PFMA and MFMA auditees  in relation to the audit process at the commencement of the relevant audit cycle and well in time before the AFS are required to be submitted for audit.

3 Lessons
157 Enrolled
Technical skills

The Technical Audit Support (TAS) business Unit in collaboration with the People and Organisation Effectiveness business unit (POE) is piloting the use of a learner management system (LMS) to explore whether the platform can be used as an effective platform to distribute FAQs and Technical Support videos to Audit Business Units (ABUs).The pilot team is encouraged to familiarise themselves with the platform and use it to access FAQs and technical videos issued by TAS.

5 Lessons
11 Enrolled
Technical skills

This platform is created for you to be able to access all relevant DataSnipper training-related resources in one central platform.

4 Lessons
429 Enrolled
Technical skills

ISQM TrainingThe purpose of the training is to create an understanding and awareness of the ISQM requirements and how these will be applied in the AGSA environment. The AGSA’s staff are required to understand and effectively operate the principles and processes put in place in response to  ISQM, which includes their roles and responsibilities.The training roll out is an essential part of successfully landing ISQM on 15 December 2022. The following modules for the different audiences.  Module 1 – Introduction to ISQM Module 2 – AGSA Leadership Responsibilities Module 3 – Risk Assessment Module 4 – Methodology Module 5 – Monitoring, Remediation and Evaluation Module 6 – ISQM 1 Standard Module 7 – Mind shifting through Quality Management Your contribution through completing this training is critical to the success of the ISQM implementation project, and we appreciate you taking the time to learn and grow. 

11 Lessons
1k Enrolled

The Technical Audit Support Business Unit is the owner of the new Audit Dispute Resolution Policy and its procedures and has commissioned the training on the new policy. This training video provides training on the principles to be applied and role-players involved in dealing with disputes arising between auditees and audit teams during the audit process in accordance with the new dispute resolution policy. The training video is key to all audit staff which must be viewed by the following AGSA staff: Audit Business Unit Leadership Audit Senior Managers Audit Managers Assistant Audit Managers Trainee Auditors It is also highly recommended that all other AGSA staff, including among others those in the Product Champion Offices, SAS Business Units and Audit Support Business Units also view this training video. All colleagues are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the new Audit Dispute Resolution Policy and procedures which can be found on the policy register on iShare.

4 Lessons
2k Enrolled
Technical skills

TAS 101

1 Lessons
29 Enrolled

It is a working used to document the understanding of the entity's IT environment and controls for purposes of developing an overall audit strategy and for identifying risks of material misstatement at the entity on an overall level for financial audits where a substantive approach will be applied. By the end of this session, you should be able to complete the ITEC Non-planned reliance on controls WP. Target audience: Financial Auditors

2 Lessons
397 Enrolled

ITEC RELIANCE ON SYSTEMS WP It is a working paper used to document the understanding of the entity's IT environment for purposes of developing an overall audit strategy and for identifying risks of material misstatement at the entity on an overall level for financial audits where a combined audit approach (i.e., reliance on IT controls) is planned to be applied. By the end of this session, you should be able to complete the ITEC Reliance working paper.

2 Lessons
237 Enrolled

It is a working paper used to identify the complexity of the IT systems being used by the auditee which in turn will identify the IT sophistication of the auditee.  Target audience: ISA and Financial Auditors)By the end of this session, you should be able to complete the IT Sophistication working paper.

2 Lessons
639 Enrolled

The objective of this training is to provide you with the detailed principles of the AGSA compliance findings engagement methodology that are now being implemented as part of the Differentiated Audit Methodology project in the 2022-23 PFMA audit cycle at all auditees.

5 Lessons
1k Enrolled
1 Lessons
23 Enrolled
DAM: FS Review Engagement Methodology Training
9 Lessons
243 Enrolled

This video unpacks the high-risk QM findings for 2024 in a short and insightful analysis video which will provide you brief insights on the high-risk findings raised and also provide you with recommendations and practical tips.

2 Lessons
314 Enrolled

"Audit Technical Titbits" is your passport to acquiring valuable insights and sharpening your audit skills

2 Lessons
133 Enrolled

"Audit Technical Titbits" is your passport to acquiring valuable insights and sharpening your audit skills

2 Lessons
94 Enrolled
Audit Technical Titbits

"Audit Technical Titbits" is your passport to acquiring valuable insights and sharpening your audit skills

2 Lessons
117 Enrolled
Audit Technical Titbits

"Audit Technical Titbits" is your passport to acquiring valuable insights and sharpening your audit skills

2 Lessons
122 Enrolled
Microsoft Office

Excel Word Powerpoint Outlook

1 Lessons
90 Enrolled

Welcome to the Performance and Talent Conversations course. 

2 Lessons
14 Enrolled

Communication training Part 2 - Developing your communication skills

2 Lessons
274 Enrolled
Behavioural Skills

The overview of the AGSA

2 Lessons
48 Enrolled

The aim of this training is to equip you with the necessary skills to apply verbal, non-verbal and written skills in expressing ideas, feelings, opinions and conclusions so that the intended audience clearly understands what is being communicated. 

1 Lessons
411 Enrolled
Behavioural Skills

‘Building Trust’ is a core value within the AGSA and is fundamental to establishing and maintaining effective working relationships. This assessment aims to strengthen team cohesion and effectiveness to build team trust.

1 Lessons
70 Enrolled
Behavioural Skills

LAC Learner guide and slides

2 Lessons
41 Enrolled
Behavioural Skills

Values-in-Action eLearning training module 1: Our values - our vision (Where do we as an organisation want to go?)  The values will guide us in identifying the key behaviours that drives our culture and encourages us, to display the expected behaviours across our organisation for collective accountability.

4 Lessons
4k Enrolled
Behavioural Skills

This course covers what integrity is and how it appears. You’ll learn to define integrity, discuss its three forms, and spot the traits associated with it. And finally, you’ll see what integrity looks like when practiced in the workplace. 

2 Lessons
61 Enrolled
Behavioural Skills

In this course, you will learn what workplace resilience is and why it matters. The course will focus on the following modules:Boosting resilience through self-awareness5 ways to increase your mental agilityStrategies for turning challenges to opportunitiesManaging your response to workplace conflictUsing criticism and rejection to growStaying adaptable and resilientHow rest makes you more resilient 

2 Lessons
178 Enrolled

Project management is essential in the audit field—and it requires a good organizational, relationship-building, and critical-thinking skills. In this course, you’ll explore the fundamentals of project management, including what a project manager does. By the end of the course, you will have a good overview of what Project management in order to start working on projects.Click on the link below to start the course.

2 Lessons
232 Enrolled

In this course, you will be introduced to the fundamental concepts of emotional intelligence, including:the overview of emotional intellingnceemotional intelligence competencies andhow to develop emotional intelligence. 

2 Lessons
316 Enrolled
Behavioural Skills

In this course, you will learn how to use coaching techniques to enhance good performance. 

2 Lessons
273 Enrolled
Young Professionals
8 Lessons
446 Enrolled

In this training you will gain an overview of what ethics and why ethics is important and the importance of considering the different factors when making decisions.

3 Lessons
406 Enrolled

AGSA recognises the importance of Performance Management as a strategic tool to support the alignment and the achievement of the AGSA Culture Shift 2030 strategy, entrenchment of the AGSA values and the desired behaviours as outlined in our behavioural competency framework (BCF).

2 Lessons
222 Enrolled
Young Professionals

Young Professional Training -2nd Years

10 Lessons
Young Professionals

Young Professionals Development 

14 Lessons
138 Enrolled

Welcome to Young Professionals Development Programme track for third year Young Professionals. Your learning journey will comprise of videos, self-paced learning, live facilitated sessions, business simulations, individual assessments, group work, and experiential learning activities. The Young Professionals Development Programme (YPDP) aims to develop you into a well-rounded and future-fit young professional. 

3 Lessons
77 Enrolled
Monthly Learnings

This is an interactive course on Data Analytics in Audit, for self-paced learning. No specific prior knowledge is required for the course, although basic knowledge of statistics might be useful.

2 Lessons
283 Enrolled

Explore key concepts of data analytics, including types of analytics, data, and storage. Explore the analytics process and tools used to discover insights.

2 Lessons
494 Enrolled

"Audit Technical Titbits" is your passport to acquiring valuable insights and sharpening your audit skills

2 Lessons
604 Enrolled

"Audit Technical Titbits" is your passport to acquiring valuable insights and sharpening your audit skills

2 Lessons
573 Enrolled

"Audit Technical Titbits" is your passport to acquiring valuable insights and sharpening your audit skills

2 Lessons
569 Enrolled

"Audit Technical Titbits" is your passport to acquiring valuable insights and sharpening your audit skills

2 Lessons
552 Enrolled
1 Lessons
163 Enrolled

IFRS the global language IFRS is becoming the global language in financial reporting. With the adoption in almost all countries, except the US, the need for IFRS knowledge is vitally important for any professional reporting under this framework. In response to this, W.consulting have launched Fundamentals.

14 Lessons
208 Enrolled

IAS International Accounting Standards (IAS) are older accounting standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), an independent international standard-setting body based in London. The IAS were replaced in 2001 by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

23 Lessons
196 Enrolled

IFRIC (IFRS Interpretations Committee) is the interpretative body of the IFRS Foundation. Its mandate is to review on a timely basis widespread accounting issues that have arisen within the context of current International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).

8 Lessons
35 Enrolled

1.Outline the objectives of the implementation of ISA 315 (Revised 2019) 2.Discuss the top 10 resultant changes made to our methodology in three phases: i. Understanding the environmentii. Risk identificationiii. Risk assessment

1 Lessons
41 Enrolled

This module will outline the objectives of the implementation of ISA 315 (Revised) and the top 10 resultant changes made to our methodology in three phases:i. Understanding the environment.ii. Risk identificationiii. Risk assessment

2 Lessons
4 Enrolled
Executive Training

This module will outline the fundamental concepts of the CA2025 Competency Framework.

6 Lessons
4 Enrolled
5 Lessons
2 Lessons
1 Enrolled
1 Lessons
1 Enrolled
LMS Help
2 Lessons
1 Enrolled
2 Lessons

RACM - Using work of IA

2 Lessons
2 Enrolled
2 Lessons
6 Enrolled

This is an auto enrollment course with an end date and a quiz to see the grades hold after auto enrollment

2 Lessons
4 Enrolled

This is a test course which will be deleted

3 Lessons
3 Enrolled
6 Lessons
6 Enrolled

RACM - Not using work of IA

2 Lessons
2 Enrolled

Your induction plan. The overview of the AGSA, Business unit and center. You will be assigned an Induction buddy and work tools. You will also be introduced to your new colleagues.

3 Lessons
42 Enrolled

PeopleSoft online training. Role based on boarding. PAA & MI presentations and videos. What other business units do and how they affect you. 

3 Lessons
21 Enrolled

Audit 101 and PAA training

2 Lessons
13 Enrolled

This is a power one day session with different BU SMEs. The aim is to build up from what was learners online with an opportunity to ask questions and get more clarity.

2 Lessons
5 Enrolled

This training provides guidance on the completion of the Potential Material Irregularities Evaluation Checklist, in order to enhance your understanding and documentation of the checklist. The training is targeted at all AGSA and CWC personnel.Let's get started!

3 Lessons
446 Enrolled

This training provides guidance on the completion of the MI Identification work paper in order to enhance your understanding and documentation of the work paper. The training is targeted at all AGSA and CWC personnel.Let's get right into the learning!

12 Lessons
897 Enrolled
Audit of Predetermined Objectives (AoPO) Training

The purpose of this communication is to share the AoPO Findings Engagement training content that must be completed by the relevant audit teams responsible for the implementation of the AoPO findings engagement audit approach for the 2023-24 audit cycle, as part of the AGSA Differentiated Audit Methodologies (DAM) project.  The training is available as follows: For internal staff, on the AGSA learn and grow hub and may be accessed on this link.For CWC staff, in the AGSA CWC Repository and may be accessed on this link. Objective of the training:  To introduce auditors to the key auditing principles and methodology applicable to an AoPO Findings engagement.   The training comprises the following modules, which are followed by assessment quizzes:    No. Title Video Duration Assessment Duration 1. Module 1 - Overall understanding 41:05 ±07:00 2. Module 2 – Testing Usefulness 13:42 ±03:00 3. Module 3 – Testing Reliability 50:03 ±06:00 4. Module 4 - Concluding and reporting 10:60 ±02:00   You will be required to complete the assessment quiz related to each module to progress to the training content of the next module. You must achieve a minimum of 75% on an assessment to get a pass for each module’s assessment.   Target audience:  This training is compulsory for the following levels of audit staff involved in the audit of an AoPO findings engagement at a selected and approved auditee for the DAM project:  Senior manager/Product champions,   Manager/Technical manager,Assistant manager,Audit Clerks and Supervisors; andTrainee(s) responsible for AoPO including CWC  Deadline:  This training must be completed before the commencement of an AoPO limited assurance engagement but before 31 May 2024. Timesheet:  Project code: Training_All  Activity: Internal training  Duration: 2.5 hours  Contact person: All audit technical queries from participants must be logged onto this “Queries on DAM: AoPO Findings Engagement Training (Feb to May 2024)” form. All CWC non-technical and administrative queries must be directed to Tshifhiwa Madilonga through email at tshifhiwam@agsa.co.za.  Available AoPO Training Links: The table below contains the direct links to the available AoPO training content. Feel free to explore the various training modules should they apply to you. No. Training Title Training Link* 1 AoPO cross-cutting principles - AoPO training on planning for impact - AoPO training on execution and insightful messages - AoPO – Updates to pre-engagement working paper (2024) - AoPO - Updates to indicator business process (2024) AGSA staff CWC staff 2 AoPO limited assurance AGSA staff CWC staff * Please ensure that you click on the relevant training link, depending on whether you are an AGSA employee or a non-AGSA employee.

7 Lessons
511 Enrolled
Audit of Predetermined Objectives (AoPO) Training

The purpose of this communication is to share the AoPO Limited Assurance training content that must be completed by the relevant audit teams responsible for the implementation of the AoPO limited assurance audit approach for the 2023-24 audit cycle, as part of the AGSA Differentiated Audit Methodologies (DAM) project.

7 Lessons
777 Enrolled
Audit of Predetermined Objectives (AoPO) Training

The purpose of this folder is to provide you with the AoPO cross-cutting principles. These are the principles that apply across the various AoPO methodologies.

4 Lessons
541 Enrolled
Audit of Predetermined Objectives (AoPO) Training
5 Lessons
724 Enrolled

Your induction plan. The overview of the AGSA, Business unit and center. You will be assigned an Induction buddy and work tools. You will also be introduced to your new colleagues.

3 Lessons
37 Enrolled

PeopleSoft online training. Role based on boarding. PAA & MI presentations and videos. What other business units do and how they affect you. 

3 Lessons
14 Enrolled

Values-in-Action eLearning training module 1: Our values - our vision (Where do we as an organisationwant to go?)  The values will guide us in identifying the key behaviours that drives our culture and encourages us, to display the expected behaviours across our organisation for collective accountability.

4 Lessons
14 Enrolled

Audit 101 and PAA training

2 Lessons
11 Enrolled

This is a power one day session with different BU SMEs. The aim is to build up from what was learners online with an opportunity to ask questions and get more clarity.

2 Lessons
6 Enrolled
People Strategy Roadshow
5 Lessons
96 Enrolled